Marisa Camplin

Motion Pictures & Television / MA

Storytelling through filmmaking is my first creative love. I recently completed coursework for my MA in Writing and Directing for Film at AAU, and am in post- production on my narrative short thesis film, Knock Out, which I plan on entering into film festivals upon its completion.

One thing that sets me apart as a filmmaker and film director is my passion for working with actors and crew. Being on set and collectively creating art with others is the most satisfying and awarding thing that continues to drive me to direct films. What also distinguishes me is past sixteen-year career working in event production, marketing and people leadership. All of the skills I learned in that field has prepared me well for making films.

My goal in the near future is, of course, to direct feature films, but first to work on film sets to gain professional experience, and shadow directors while shooting. I am currently developing a narrative short that I plan on directing later this year.

NXTUPfest Winner: Shot in a Day
Shaken- Best Shot in a Day (Winner)

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