Tawnia Quick

Landscape Architecture / BFA

After working in the gardening industry for many years, I decided to further my knowledge and experience by earning a degree in landscape architecture. Through work, I began exploring how to build and mimic natural systems within the landscape to create more sustainable and successful living situations for my clients. This lead me to discover the industry of landscape architecture, and the role it plays in designing our built environment. I was drawn to the Academy of Art University due to the program’s focus on teaching site and location specific, sustainable designs. In the two years since starting the program, I have learned how to take concepts and ideas from my head, and use sketching, hand drafting, and computer software to tease out and explore the many real life possibilities, as well as how to really stretch my design muscles, so as to design the most innovative and creative solutions for each site I approach. After graduation, I hope to gain employment at one of our many well respected design firms in the bay area, specifically one that focuses on public green spaces. I am eager to take the skills that I have learned at AAU, and explore the intersection of public green space, urban green infrastructure, and habitat restoration, creating green spaces within our city that not only benefit the surrounding human community, but also help heal and connect the surrounding natural ecosystems.

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