Wall Section / Elevation
From Tiny Seeds

From Tiny Seeds

Integrated Social Housing

Master of Architecture Thesis Project

The project in Cape Coral, Florida, investigates the two primary housing models within the U.S. and how architecture, together with necessary integrated social support, can help combat homelessness.

In the United States, two primary housing assistance models exist - Housing Readiness and Housing First. The project builds upon the identification of deficits within either program. By addressing aspects of homelessness that are not taken into account by the existing programs, the proposal aims to provide qualities such as a broader social integration and better networks of support. The proposal thus seeks to create a preemptive rather than just a reactive approach through community building and the integration of early social support.

The project aims to expand upon the primary function of the architecture by using a different approach to program development and spatial planning for social housing. It addresses the necessity to develop a community that meets the relatedness needs of individuals without homes and provides valuable resources to all residents within the Cape Coral area. The resulting architecture allows more opportunities for social interaction with the community to reduce the stigma associated with homelessness. The project has a low-budget and low-tech approach that creates high-quality spatial configurations and conditions in the specific Florida climate.

Nicole Lambrou

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