Peize Li(Ricky)
My concept is a reflection on human warfare and policy. In the long history of human history, we have experienced large and small wars and political movements, from which I find many commonalities and contents worthy of our thinking. History is like a jigsaw puzzle. We come from different countries, nationalities and social backgrounds. I am looking for the memory fragments of the past and the commonalities of our culture, from macro to micro, and try to awaken people's feelings through reflection on history in my works. In these jewelry works and sculptures, I choose different materials and techniques, no flowery words, no expensive metal, and I will show the trauma and tears of history from different angles.
In each of my works, I express the true meaning of my works through symbols, shapes and colors, and fully explain my works through a series of combinations such as the way of wearing and connecting jewelry. These works come from countless nodes in history, and I try my best to analyze and create them from an objective perspective. I draw on traditional design concepts and some modern production techniques to form my own independent design language.
In my childhood, I liked reading history books and watching documentaries, which greatly influenced my future life. I think I can see the future world through reflection on history. In the process of creation, I collected a lot of information and my feelings and pasted them on my mood board. Let the pieces connect. When I finish collecting inspiration, I will consider my own production methods. Different production methods will produce different visual effects. And I formed my own style of work through experiments again and again.