Photo by: Almac Camera Medium: Oil on canvas 30 inchesx20 inchesx1.5 inches

Yi Ma

Fine Art / MA

I paint this specific subject matter, pipes, as my metaphorical self-portrait. Basically, it is related to any individual life.

I feel a deep connection with their solid gesture, bold shapes, and cold-temperature metal color every time I see them as I am walking down the street. They aren't limited to any specific place; they can be found anywhere in the world. People pass them by, they see them but don’t really see them; their existence is distinguished in an undistinguished way.

As an artist, I define myself as a medium that delivers inspiration instead of merely representing it as the function of a "pipe".

I am tired of reacting to all the tags that the world sticks on me; I would prefer to let all, good and bad, go through me in the same way different things (gas, water), either toxic or nontoxic, go through pipes. All that can pass through pipes without changing the shapes of those pipes.

I want my series of works to be presented as a performance, so I allow each subject to represent itself as its function with a specific code of color, as for paintings, I will apply the mix-media to create their unique textures and I will let the background walls help to show the different personalities of different pipes.

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