Mounds Scheme
Pavilions Scheme
Social Circles
Site Analysis
Site Planning Model
Coffee Connect Community Engagement
Coffee Connect Community Engagement
Park Merced Social Space

Park Merced Social Space

Participatory Design

Leo Gonzalez / B.Arch
Mai Ho-Nguyen / B.Arch
Malik Louis / B.Arch
Hugh Kendryx Lorenzo Soriano / B.Arch
Sameena Sitabkhan, RA, NOMA, LEED
B.Arch Community Building Award

ARH 512 Participatory Design is part of an experimental design build sequence focused on creating public space that builds community, and fosters equity. It involves a real client, and a built project that requires tenacity, creativity, and dedication to the collaborative process.

The spring 2022 project is sited within Park Merced, a development built by the Met Life Company in 1941 that contains 2500 apartments alongside parks and courts. Working with the client, Maximus Partners and residents in a participatory process, students spent the semester researching and designing a new gathering space for public events within an empty courtyard that was once a laundry drying yard. The final schemes were presented as “modern social spaces” and ranged from sculpted mounds to pavilions inspired by the laundry drying infrastructure to a meandering bench with conversation pits. All the schemes were designed around the client’s creative brief and aimed to encourage social interaction in different ways.

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For more information on these skilled artists and designers, call 415-618-8899, or email us